Note: Anyone who has donated to an organization supporting the Black Lives Matter movement can attend for free. Do not register below; instead, please send us an email or screenshot of a donation you’ve made since Monday, May 25 to and we will register you for this orientation. If you’re looking for places to support, take a look at this document made by indie producer Ariana Martinez.
Sometimes getting started is the hardest part. In this virtual orientation, we’ll equip you with the knowledge and lingo to start your podcasting journey.
After this orientation, you will know:
The differences between podcasting and radio
How to identify different podcast styles
The seven steps of producing a podcast
The equipment you’ll need to record
Free online resources to build your technical and storytelling skills
What support the Podcast Garage can offer you
And… why “What did you have for breakfast today?” is the most useful question in podcasting!
Tickets are $10. The link will be sent to all attendees before the orientation begins.